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Leggi le ultime novità che riguardano il mondo di Al Fibra Globe,
le attrezzature e gli eventi ai quali partecipa.

Environment and corporate sustainability

Published on06-10-2022 Estimated reading time: 2 minuti

In the report examined by ISPRA with regards to the trend of the production of national electricity from different energetic sources, the emission factors of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric pollutants were examined.

Emission factors are crucial for planning and monitoring the measures used for reducing CO2 emissions.
The total overall national electricity production from renewable sources increased from 34.9 TWh in 1990 to 114.5 TWh in 2018, with a sustained increase from 2008 to 2014 and a decrease in recent years.

Photovoltaic and Aeolic energy feature the most significant increase. Especially since 2007 the quantity of renewable sources has taken on a significant size, with a contribution to the reduction of atmospheric emissions that is higher than what was recorded for other components.

For electricity consumption, the analysis of the decomposition shows that efficiency contributes to the reduction of atmospheric emissions only in the industrial department, which shows a rather heterogeneous structure for the different sectors, while in the tertiary sector the decrease in emission factors for electricity production is compensated by the increase in electricity consumption.

In the domestic sector there is strong decoupling between electricity consumption and the corresponding atmospheric emissions. The comparison of greenhouse gas emission factors of thermoelectric parks shows that the national emission factor is among the lowest in the main European countries.

Al Fibra Globe has been contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere for almost 10 years, thanks to the implementation of photovoltaic panels for the electricity production.

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